Off Floor Siphon Jet Toilet for Vitreous China Retrofit

Off Floor Siphon Jet Toilet for Vitreous China Retrofit

Features and Benefits

I-CON toilets are seamlessly welded, 14-gauge type 304 stainless steel. Exposed surfaces have satin finishes except for the mirror finished, integral, elongated seat. The fixture does not require a wall opening and chase area for installation and maintenance. The toilet features a siphon flushing action with a self-draining flush rim.

I-CON toilets meet or exceed ASME A112.19.3 and CSA B45.4 requirements. The toilets are designed to withstand a 5,000 lbs. load without permanent deflection and damage, and the trap allows for a 2-1/8" ball to pass. A 1" supply line with a minimum of 25 PSI flow pressure is required. When used with an I-CON MOMENTUM® flush valve, the fixture is capable of flushing as low as 1.0gpf. If used with other flush valves, the fixture is capable of flushing as low as 1.28gpf.

  • 14-gauge type 304 stainless steel
  • Seamlessly welded
  • Satin finished surfaces
  • Mirror finished, integral, elongated seat
  • Siphon flushing action with self-draining, flushing rim
  • Wall supply flush connection is 1-1/2" NPT female
  • Top supply flush connection is 1-1/2" NPT male
  • Various waste options available
  • 4 anchoring locations
Designed and Assembled in the USA badge Handicap badge High Efficiency Fixture badge US Green Building Council Memeber badge



Specifications for fixture options are available in our Document Library.

Installation and Maintenance